Authenticity and trust are the foundation of our business, and our goal is to provide our customers with a safe and sustainable shopping experience. Each designer handbag is meticulously inspected from top to bottom before placing it on our site for sale. We inspect each item to ensure it conforms to authentic materials, lettering & embossing, codes, cards, accessories, and other features.
Pom’s ReLuxed provides an online destination for buying and selling authentic and legitimate used luxury handbags and accessories. Pom’s ReLuxed is California state licensed resale business holder and does so under the Nominative Fair Use Act, where selling of authentic and legitimate branded goods is not considered trademark infringement to any degree.
A guarantee of authenticity is included with your purchase or your money back, including all shipping costs. Please inspect your purchase immediately upon arrival. Should you find fault in the authenticity of any items shipped to you, please contact us immediately and return consideration will be given with written proof of inauthenticity from a well-recognized authentication expert. Please see list of acceptable companies below: